Paysera HQ

Important news about Paysera: company group and services development, numbers, achievements, and other important information.

In summer, scammers lure those seeking quick earnings and loans: how to protect your money?

The summer season, which for many is associated with vacations and relaxation, is unfortunately a busy time for online scammers. Fraud prevention specialists at Paysera have observed an increased number of fraud cases where unsuspecting individuals fall victim to enticing promises of rapid wealth or effortless loans.


Growing online consumer spending attracts new sellers to e-commerce

E-commerce is thriving as residents increasingly embrace online shopping. According to data from Paysera, a payment processor for online stores, this trend is evident in several key metrics: higher overall spending, larger individual purchases, and a growing number of e-retailers entering the market.


Paysera acquires virtual POS creator and enters POS business

As May 2025 approaches, when all Lithuanian merchants will be required to provide fiscal receipt data to the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) in real-time, the financial technology company Paysera is entering the cash register business. The company has invested in the virtual POS of the start-up MB Brand Lions and will continue its development. The financial details of the deal remain confidential.


Anticipating Money 20/20: Paysera on Innovation, Expansion, and Partnerships

As the biggest fintech event in Europe – Money 20/20 – approaches, we speak with Paysera executives Marijus and Justina, who will be attending the event, about the company's vision to transform into a super app, ambitious expansion plans, and the continuous implementation of innovations, especially artificial intelligence (AI), in their daily operations.


Credit market professional Konstantinas Balakinas joins Paysera management team

Paysera, a leading financial technology company, has announced the appointment of a third deputy CEO. Konstantinas Balakinas, who has over 20 years of managerial experience in the financial sector, is taking up this position. The Bank of Lithuania has approved his candidacy.


Paysera delivers solid 2023 results: stability, profitability, and innovation

Paysera LT, UAB, a key player in the Paysera group based in Lithuania, has announced its audited 2023 financial results, showcasing the company's strong performance in terms of stability and profitability. The fintech company also introduced innovative solutions and service enhancements for its clients throughout the year.


Gold Rush: Lithuanians rushed to lock in profits from rising metal prices, which could rise even further

As gold prices soared to unprecedented heights in April, Lithuanian companies dealing in the precious metal, such as Florinus and Paysera, observed a divergence in investor behaviour.


More opportunities to invest: You can now invest in real estate rental projects offered by InRento via Paysera

The financial technology company Paysera has incorporated the ability to directly invest in crowdfunded real estate rental projects on the InRento platform, without leaving the app environment.


Paysera starts accepting e-commerce payments via Apple Pay

Paysera, a leading fintech company serving over 13,000 e-shops, has announced the integration of Apple Pay into its payment solution, enabling online merchants to accept and buyers to make payments using Apple Pay.


Paysera named "Fintech of the Year" in Albania

Paysera has been awarded "Fintech of the Year" by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tirana for its pioneering work in digital payments and financial services in Albania.


You can now top up your Paysera account from Mastercard and Maestro cards

The fintech company Paysera now enables clients to deposit money into their accounts using Mastercard and Maestro cards issued by other financial institutions. This top-up method is simple and similar to paying by card in an e-shop.


Christmas shopping spree boosts e-shop sales by a fifth

During the busiest Christmas shopping period, from Black Friday to Christmas Eve, shoppers in e-shops and service websites spent €102 million. Compared to the previous month, the number of purchases increased by €16 million, or 19 per cent, calculates Paysera, which processes payments for about 13 thousand e-shops.


E-shops experienced a 28% increase in shopper spending over the Black Friday weekend

Shopper spending in e-shops in Baltic states increased by 28 per cent, compared to spending on a typical November day, during the Black Friday weekend. Also, according to Paysera, which processes payments for about 13 thousand e-shops, the average basket amount slightly increased as well compared to last year.


M. Plančiūnas: Advice for e-stores on how not to burn out on "Black Friday"

Shopping centres, traditional stores, and e-shops are hanging up signs announcing "Black Friday", even though it is a couple of days away. This day marks the start of the sellers' "Dakar", which is one of the most intense sales seasons. For shops to reap the rewards of half a year's and sometimes a year's work, it is important not only to take care of how to bring visitors to the site before the hot stretch of the season, but also how not to scare them away.


Paysera Introduces a Cold Beet Soup-Coloured Payment Card

Fintech company Paysera has presented a light pink, or more precisely, a Lithuanian cold beet soup-coloured Visa payment card. This is the third card design since last spring when the company introduced its new logo and visual identity.


New Paysera Executives: M. Plančiūnas becomes CEO, J. Šidlauskienė – Deputy CEO

The board of directors of the fintech company Paysera has elected Marijus Plančiūnas, who had previously been acting as Deputy CEO, as the company's new CEO. M. Plančiūnas succeeded Gintautas Mežetis. Dr Justina Šidlauskienė, who had previously been acting as Head of Marketing and PR, became the new Deputy CEO.


Neteisėtai prisidengdami „Paysera“ vardu sukčiai siunčia e. laiškus įmonėms

„Paysera“ sulaukė įmonių atstovų pranešimų apie jų gautus e. laiškus, kuriuose, neteisėtai prisidengiant įmonės vardu, raginama atnaujinti duomenis paskyroje. Ištikrųjų tai yra vadinamieji fišingo laiškai, kurių tikslas yra perimti prisijungimo prie e. bankininkystės duomenis ir pasisavinti sąskaitoje esančius pinigus.


In 2022 Paysera increased the funds held in accounts, planned structural changes, and improved client service

"Paysera LT", one of the longest-operating Fintech companies in the Baltic countries, recorded an increase in client funds in accounts last year. Meanwhile, the company's main priority last year as well as this year remains the transformation process.


Bendrovei „Paysera“ patobulinus procesus, Lietuvos bankas panaikino visus pernykščius apribojimus

Išorinė audito bendrovė, atlikusi nepriklausomą auditą konstatavo, kad „Paysera“ patobulino visus klientų pažinimo ir pinigų plovimo prevencijos procesus visose srityse, kuriose pastebėjimų turėjo Lietuvos bankas. Savo ruožtu, Lietuvos bankas, įvertinęs „Paysera“ įgyvendintas priemones bei išorės auditoriaus ataskaitą, leido veikti be ribojimų.


Paysera invests in solar and wind parks to generate electricity for all its needs

Paysera, a fintech company that processes payments in e-shops and provides payment services, has acquired a 1.5 MW solar park in the southwest of Lithuania and a 600 kW wind farm on the park's territory. The alternative energy generated there will fully supply electricity to Paysera's offices in Vilnius, Kaunas, and Alytus, with the majority of the energy going to the national electricity grid.


Love is blind: single women are being conned by 'United Nations surgeons' and men by 'beautiful Instagram models'

Before Valentine's Day last year, Netflix released a documentary called The Tinder Swindler. Following a global uproar, dating platforms removed the profile of the film's scammer, Simon Leviev. But is online dating safer a year later? Probably not. Because for a lonely person, the desire to have a relationship and find love is often stronger than the ability to keep a cool head, and there are plenty of people who may want to take advantage of this.


Paysera introduces new Visa card designs!

You may have already noticed the new Visa card designs that Paysera offers. It would be hard not to, as they do tend to stand out! So how do they fit our rebranding process, and why are both designs so important for our brand? You’re about to find out!


Paysera increases equity capital to 18 million EUR, clients will be able to keep more funds in their accounts for free

Paysera, a financial technology company that processes e-commerce transactions and provides payment services, has increased its equity capital from 11 million EUR to 18 million EUR.


Paysera to become a bank in Georgia: central bank grants licence

The Paysera network of financial technology companies is expanding to Georgia, where the first Paysera bank will open its doors. On November 17, 2022, the National Bank of Georgia granted the company “Paysera Georgia” its 15th commercial bank licence and its first digital bank licence.


A gesture of solidarity: Paysera released a payment card displaying the flag of Ukraine

The fintech company Paysera has introduced two new designs of their Visa payment cards, which will replace the current design. With one of the new payment cards, the company expresses solidarity and support for Ukraine.


Telefono ragelyje išgirdę „Laba diena, skambinu iš jūsų banko“ pirmiausia turėtų netikėti

„Paysera“ praneša apie padidėjusį telefoninių sukčių aktyvumą. Šįkart sukčiai skambina įmonių atstovams, turintiems prieigą prie sąskaitų – vadovams, finansininkams – ir, išgalvoję įtikinamą istoriją, išgauna iš įmonių atstovų konfidencialią informaciją, įtikina atskleisti kodus ir slaptažodžius ir tokiu būdu perima įmonių sąskaitų valdymą. Sukčių akiratyje pastarosiomis dienomis - medicinos įmonės.


Paysera Tickets introduces its new logo, remains committed to not charging buyers unnecessary fees

The event ticketing platform Paysera Tickets introduces its new logo. The new logo is a bridge to connect Paysera Tickets' visual identity with that of the financial services company Paysera, which changed its brand image earlier this year. Paysera Tickets remains committed to providing customers with the opportunity to purchase tickets without additional fees.


Paysera Tickets is changing its logo!

Back in March 2022, we were overjoyed to share the new Paysera logo with you. We also promised you more changes and updates on where our brand is heading, and we’re keeping our promise. Now is the time to reveal yet another logo launch, this time – for Paysera Tickets. Let’s talk about our vision, expectations, and what the Paysera Tickets rebranding is all about.


8 ways scammers can steal your bank card details without you noticing

My card is safely sitting in my wallet but someone else is using it to pay online. This is not a trailer for a film about stolen identity. This is an increasingly common type of crime. It only takes a little carelessness, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and your card details can end up in the hands of fraudsters without you even knowing it.

Marijus Plančiūnas, Head of Paysera Information Systems

INTERVIEW: Which business can be considered successful – profitable, popular, or a unicorn?

Over the last few years, we have been hearing more and more about unicorns: something that used to be hard to achieve and almost as if from the world of myths is no longer a novelty in the tech culture. It's no coincidence that in June, Vilnius, also known as the fintech capital, unveiled the "Unicorns" bus stop. But underneath all the glitter and myths lies the reality of business – investors, goals, results, profits or... losses. So what business is considered successful today and how will start-up funding change in the future? In this interview, we discuss this with e-commerce and marketing expert, entrepreneur Audrius Lučiūnas.


Paysera enters the cash pickup transfers market, starting with transfers to Ukraine

Ukrainians have more and more options to receive transfers from their loved ones and others in their home country faster and more easily. Now that Paysera has partnered with Globus Bank in Ukraine, local residents have the opportunity to pick up money sent by their relatives in cash at one of 150 branches of Globus Bank and its partners.


More security for online shoppers: e-payments made using the Visa card from now on can be confirmed via app

Paysera clients who have Visa payment cards will now be able to confirm their payments via the Paysera app when making payments in online shops using their cards. The app replaces the additional authorisation of payments by passwords, which used to be sent by SMS messages or e-mails.


Paysera introduces a new logo, changes visual identity

The financial technology company Paysera launches a new logo and new tagline: "One app – endless possibilities". This change reflects the shift of services to a super app and the geographical expansion into global markets.


More and more Ukrainians are looking to open an account in the European Union

The financial technology company Paysera has noticed a growing interest among Ukrainian citizens in opening accounts in the European Union.


Solidarity with Ukraine: Paysera to halt transfers to and from Russia, close accounts of its Russian clients

Paysera, one of the largest and longest-running financial technology companies in the Baltic States, shows solidarity with Ukraine while also reducing risks in the Russian market. The company will no longer process transactions in Russian roubles, close its Russian clients' accounts, and restrict money transfers to and from Russian banks. The company encourages other financial institutions to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and suspend operations related to Russia.


New CEO of Paysera G. Mežetis to lead the company into the banking business

Paysera's Board of Directors has appointed Gintautas Mežetis as the company's new CEO as of February 1. One of the key challenges for the new CEO is the seamless expansion of Paysera into the banking business. The Bank of Lithuania approved the appointment of the new Paysera CEO in December.


You can now check the status of Paysera systems online

The fintech company Paysera is now offering e-shops, their customers, and other clients the possibility to check the status of the company's and third-party systems and scheduled maintenance work. The systems can be checked and monitored at


How to enjoy online sales and avoid scams online?

November is famous for its discounts, whilst December – for the last minute Christmas gift shopping. However, at the end of the year the internet is loaded not only with great offers but also by scams and phishing attacks – taking advantage of distracted impulse buying. How to avoid phishing and not to lose money when doing your Christmas shopping?


Paysera Albania secures an electronic money licence!

The Central Bank of Albania has granted an electronic money institution (EMI) licence to Paysera Albania, making it the third country in the Paysera Network to secure this licence. Other licences are currently held by the Network pioneer Paysera Lithuania as well as Paysera Kosova.


Paysera expands to Spain: company established, to be followed by a client service network

The Lithuanian-born e-payment network Paysera is expanding to Spain, where the company Paysera España was established in the city of Valencia. Paysera, the payment processor of the majority of Baltic e-shops, is starting its business in Spain with local partners.


Paysera raised its authorised capital by four million euro

Paysera LT, a Lithuanian-born fintech company that collects e-payments for the majority of Baltic e-shops and provides payment services, has raised its authorised capital from EUR 3 million up to EUR 7 million. The capital was raised from the accumulated profit.


Festive trade online increased by 62%

Many residents in the Baltics have listened to the recommendations of medical professionals and governments to stay at home and shop for the holidays safely. This is evident from the growing holiday trade online. During the first half of December, shoppers spent 62% more money in Baltic e-shops than at the same time last year. Paysera LT, a payment processor which helps to collect buyers’ e-payments for the majority of Baltic e-shops, has calculated that the turnover of some merchants was doubled.


This year Black Friday shoppers spent twice as much as last year

Black Friday, one of the largest sell-offs in the Western world, focused online this year due to the COVID-19 situation. Buyers who wanted to avoid crowds in physical shops flooded Baltic online stores and spent twice as much as on the last weekend of November 2019, calculated Paysera LT, a payment gateway provider assisting e-shops in collecting buyers' e-payments.


Paysera predicts Black Friday turnover for e-shops to be 50% higher than in 2019

Black Friday, one of the biggest sale campaigns across the Western world, will be slightly different this year in the Baltics due to COVID-19 restrictions, but still as intense as ever. According to the payment processor Paysera, the volume of e-commerce on the previous, ordinary, weekend has already exceeded the sales of last year’s Black Friday weekend. Thus, residents in the Baltics are expected to spend approximately 50–60% more money online on the last weekend of November than the previous year.


In two months Paysera sold EUR 1.4M worth of physical gold

Paysera, having started trading physical gold at the end of September, which is unusual for fintech companies, in two months sold over EUR 1.4M worth of gold bars and coins. Most buyers have not collected their precious metal and it remains in the storage facilities of the company.


Paysera continues to expand in the Balkans: launched in Albania, eyeing Serbia

The Lithuanian-founded electronic payment network, Paysera, which provides a current account, money transfers, and in-store payment gateway services, is expanding to Albania. Paysera Albania, the third company of the Paysera network in the Balkans, is opening in the capital city, Tirana.


Fintech Paysera starts trading physical gold

Paysera LT has started trading gold. Unlike other fintech companies, Paysera LT will trade in actual bars and coins rather than units of this precious metal sold on the exchanges. Buyers will be able to store their gold, purchased via the app, at the company’s storage facilities, order home delivery or pick it up at the company HQ.


Paysera expands to Kosovo: why is it important to tackle emerging markets?

Earlier this summer we announced some exciting news – Paysera Kosova secured the very first Electronic Money Institution (EMI) licence in Kosovo. It comes almost 10 years after the same thing happened in Lithuania, putting Lithuania on the world fintech map and boosting its e-commerce through easy and cheap online money collection. Since then the electronic payment network Paysera also settled in Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, and Romania, hoping to repeat its success story in these emerging markets.


Paysera became an official payment processor of Shopify

Shopify, one of the world's most popular e-commerce platforms, has integrated the ability to pay through the Paysera payment gateway. With Lithuania's largest electronic money institution enabled as an official payment processor of Shopify, e-traders will be able to activate customer payments through financial institutions with just a few clicks of a button.


SEPA Instant transfer limit increases from EUR 15,000 to 100,000

The European Payments Council has decided to increase the instant transfer limit from EUR 15,000 to 100,000 for residents and businesses in the euro area, starting July 1. From now on, even more transfers will reach recipients immediately after the money is sent.


Paysera electronic payment network has arrived to Kosovo: transfer prices will reduce, there will be no crediting fees

The Lithuanian-capital e-money network Paysera announced about its development to the Balkans, Ukraine, and Spain. What does it mean for the company's clients in Lithuania? Listen about it on our show "Finansų neformalai" (casual financiers), where we will speak to the main shareholder of Paysera Kostas Noreika.


How to recognise scammers and protect your money?

Modern scammers can sound very professional – they can speak politely and seem sophisticated, know your name, and even wish you a nice day after ripping you off. But don’t let them fool you!


Marius Pareščius to take care of Paysera’s development abroad

Starting June 1, Marius Pareščius, IT expert, businessman, and innovator, will be responsible for the development of the Paysera group abroad. He was appointed Vice President for Development of Paysera LTD.


Ticket distributors: the number of online events tripled during the quarantine

As the result of the quarantine, a growing number of events is held online. The ticketing system Paysera Tickets states that the number of online events has grown by three times during the quarantine.


E-shop numbers jump amid the national quarantines

After the announcement of the nationwide quarantines, many companies had to rethink their business models and shift to the e-commerce sector.


What does the future hold for QR codes in Lithuania?

There have been countless unsuccessful attempts to introduce payments by QR codes in Lithuania. Recently, the mobile payment platform "MoQ" has also announced cessation of its activity. Despite all this, the possibility to pay by QR codes in Lithuania remains.


Ending the year on a positive note: 2019 achievements in numbers

Last year, when we reviewed our financial year, we said that "this is the best year in Paysera's history". Joking aside, this year we can say exactly the same thing – last year was again the best.


Paysera now available in all three Baltic countries

For an ambitious company, there is no greater joy than achieving its goals. And we have plenty of them! Expansion abroad is one of them. And we are making good progress: we have partners in Latvia and Bulgaria (and let us just remind you that Paysera is number ONE in Bulgaria), the system is available in 9 different languages, and we make transfers to more than 180 countries. In February, we took another important step in our development: our representatives officially began operations in Estonia.


Black Friday: Online shoppers spent 5% more than last year

The second Black Friday in almost two years of the pandemic has confirmed the predictions that the Covid-19 period will boost some people's online shopping habits, while others will develop and adopt new ones.


Court nearly halved a fine issued to Paysera by the Bank of Lithuania

After examining the punitive measures issued to Paysera by the Bank of Lithuania, Vilnius Regional Administrative Court found two fines for procedural violations to be unjustified and reduced the total fine by 170,000 EUR, to 200,000 EUR.


Paysera to launch parcel locker network open to all couriers

Paysera, a fintech company that provides payment gateway services for e-shops and other financial services, is strengthening its position in e-commerce by launching its newest project, Lockers – the first carrier-neutral parcel locker network in Lithuania. The lockers will be available for any courier service provider to deliver and store parcels.


One integration, several couriers: Paysera launches a Delivery service for e-shops

Research on online shopping behaviour shows that on average, seven in every ten visitors add items to their online shopping cart, but leave without completing their purchase. Online merchants are trying to figure out the main reason why their customers abandon their carts in order to recover a good deal of the revenue as well as help their customers to reach their products more easily. Luckily, the fintech company Paysera, came up with a solution for the Baltic market on how to turn the abandoned shopping carts into purchases.


Paysera is accredited in Ukraine, next step – the country's EMI licence

The National Bank of Ukraine has included the fintech company Paysera in the country's Register of Payment Systems. After technical preparation, the company will be able to offer faster transfers to and from Ukraine to private customers, transactions in hryvnias, euros, US dollars, and conversion of hryvnia and other currencies.


Paysera starts providing a payment initiation service in Romania

In Romania, one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in the EU, the fintech company Paysera started providing a payment initiation service based on open banking where online payments are made by initiating them from an account with the buyer’s bank. Paysera is among the first providers of this technology in Romania.


Lithuanian ICT companies present new products and services at Mobile World Congress, the first live business event in one and a half years

No business cards, leaflets, handshakes, at least 1.5 meters distance between people, digital attendance certificates, COVID-19 tests every 72 hours, constantly worn FFP2 respirators, this is the new reality of business exhibitions. Nine Lithuanian information communication and technology companies experiences this reality at Mobile World Congress, a global tech event in Spain on June 28-July 1.


Paysera 2020: Record Audited Revenue and Profit

The fintech company Paysera had a record-breaking sixteenth year of operation. As global commerce moved online due to the pandemic, the volume of online payments processed by Paysera grew rapidly in the second half of 2020, bringing the company its best results on record. Meanwhile, the search for targeted business development directions and local partners allowed the fintech to set foot in Spain, Ukraine, Kosovo, and Albania. This is the first time Paysera network companies open their doors in four countries in one year.


Road tolls to be collected via the Paysera payment gateway

The fintech company Paysera has won the public tender “E-payment service for a road user charge” announced by the State Enterprise Lithuanian Road Administration.


Paysera gains a foothold in Albania: the company was issued an electronic money institution licence

The Central Bank of Albania has issued an electronic money institution (EMI) licence to Paysera Albania, a company of the Paysera network. Now the company will be able to provide money transfers, a payment gateway for e-stores, and other financial services in this Balkan country.


Fintech company Paysera dips its toes in super-app waters

We tend to rely more and more on smartphones and their functionality in our daily lives. This is evidenced by a survey of U.S. residents conducted by Twigby in May 2020, where a surprising 39 per cent of participants stated that, due to social distancing, they started using their smartphones for longer periods and more often. Companies worldwide are motivated by this trend to increasingly focus on the development and growth of apps. Some companies set even higher goals for themselves – for example, the fintech company Paysera considers that it has already grown beyond its current app and is ready for a new ambitious step – the super-app.


Paysera to provide 24/7 client support in English

The Lithuanian-born fintech company Paysera, collecting e-payments for the majority of e-shops in the Baltics and providing financial services almost everywhere in the world, provides client support in English 24/7 since March.


Good news for online shoppers: payments via Revolut are available in e-shops serviced by Paysera

From now on, clients of the global financial platform Revolut will be able to pay more easily for their purchases in European online shops where payments are collected by the payment processor Paysera. The fintech company has integrated payments via Revolut among 80 other payment methods in 19 European countries.


Will online trade remain as popular after the pandemic?

The Lithuanian-capital e-money network Paysera announced about its development to the Balkans, Ukraine, and Spain. What does it mean for the company's clients in Lithuania? Listen about it on our show "Finansų neformalai" (casual financiers), where we will speak to the main shareholder of Paysera Kostas Noreika.


Paysera 2020 Earnings: Revenue And Profit Surges On E-commerce Boom

Paysera LT, a Lithuanian-born fintech company collecting e-payments for the majority of Baltic e-shops and providing payment services globally, received EUR 13 million in revenue, which exceeded the revenue of 2019 by 17 per cent, the Company’s unaudited net profit in 2020 was EUR 3.4 million, compared to a profit of EUR 2.02 million the year before.


Paysera Brings Apple Pay to Customers

VILNIUS — December 9, 2020 — Paysera LT, the e-money institution that offers current accounts and money transfer services globally, today brings its customers Apple Pay, a safer, more secure and private way to pay that helps customers avoid handing their payment card to someone else, touching physical buttons or exchanging cash — and uses the power of iPhone to protect every transaction.


The new way to do things: Paysera Tickets will distribute season tickets that can be sold on the aftermarket

Uncertainty surrounding the event market has affected the sales of tickets, and especially season tickets. However, the Paysera Tickets event ticketing system offers a solution for making event-goers interested in season tickets once again. From now on, organisers may distribute season tickets allowing event-goers to sell their tickets to one or several events on their self-service account if they cannot attend them.


"Paysera LT" warns clients about mobile scanners pretending to be company's employees

The largest Lithuanian-based electronic money institution "Paysera LT" received calls from clients about mobile scammers who introduce themselves as company's employees and try to trick clients into performing payments to online gaming platforms.


Results of the Paysera LT audit: revenue increased by 15%, transfer turnover approached EUR 6 billion

One of the largest Lithuanian electronic money institutions, Paysera LT, generated EUR 11.05 million last year, which exceeded the results of the previous year by more than 15 per cent. 2.7 million transactions were carried out through the Paysera payment system throughout last year, amounting to a total of EUR 5.9 billion.